IJHE BildungsgeschichteInternational Journal for the Historiography of Education, Heft 1 - 2015Beiträge
– Demokratie als Bereich menschlicher Verwirklichung. Arnold Ruges Konzeption politischer Bildung und Erziehung zur Zeit des Vormärz und der Deutschen Revolution 1848/49 – Referring to International Examples, Adjusting to Local Realities: Swedish Nineteenth-Century Rural Schoolhouses – Learning to See the Nation-State. History, Geography and Public Schooling in Late 19th-Century Switzerland – The Place of History in Teacher Training and in Education. A Plea for an Educational Future with a History, and Future Teachers with Historical Consciousness Debatte – Digital humanities – und wie geht es weiter? Digital Humanities: And Where Are We Heading? Kolumne – Marta Maria Chagas de Carvalho. An Experimental Pedagogy Laboratory in São Paulo, Brazil (1914) Vorschau auf 2-2015 „Since the late 1960s educational scientists and even historians of education have shown little interest in the role of religion … The reasons for this development are easily explained. On the one hand, religious education became a special research area for theologians and religious education teachers. On the other hand, most educational scientists became believers in the secularization thesis. This thesis states that religion has lost its authority in all aspects of economic, aesthetic, social, and political life. Following this rationale, researchers became blind to the transformation of religion in modern societies.“ (David Kaebisch) Bitte teilen Sie uns auf dem Bestellformular unter Sonstiges/Anmerkungen mit, ob Sie ein Einzelheft oder ein Abonnement möchten. Jahres-Abo-Preis für 2 Hefte: 34,- EUR(D). Bitte fragen Sie an, sofern Sie ein Digital-Abo wünschen. |
![]() 2015. 126 Seiten, kartoniert
ISSN 2192-4295
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